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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Purpose Statement

Why am I here? Why do I have to learn this? Good questions to ask when you devote almost seven hours a day to something.

At the beginning of the year I had students work in teams to construct a purpose statement. Five groups created their own statements and together they combined them into one.
I wanted this year to be an experience that they've never had before. When they walk through the classroom door, they know why they're here and what they're here to do. Like the "Pledge of Allegiance," we've used our purpose statement as a common start to the day (thanks BM). Collectively reading the statement is a solid reminder. Learnig doesn't start and stop at school. My students want more!

"Our purpose is to get an education and to have better future job and life. We should have fun when we learn. We want to improve in everything we do. Our hope is to reach wisdom with our learning."

Our experiences are important and I hope that I'm providing a positive learning environment every time the kids walk into the classroom. Where they go, is completely up to them!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

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