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Monday, October 4, 2010

Code of Cooperation

At the beginning of the year, students created a list of factors necessary for a high degree of cooperation. The initial list was rather long and some of the ideas sounded similar. While all of the ideas shared were important, we wanted to narrow our list down to 4 or 5 main ingredients for cooperation. We did this by using a tool called "Hot Dot." Students were given three different colored dot stickers. Each sticker had a value as you can see at the bottom of the picture. Students had to decide which three ideas were most important to them. The red dot being the "hot dot," was their number one choice. The students decided on the following:
   *Show respect
   *Make good decisions
   *Solve Problems
   *Take turns (communicate)/share
   *Do the best you can
Students have signed the code and understand that we will need a high level of cooperation in order to improve in all that we do. We will continue to refer to the code of cooperation throughout the year to remind eachother about the importance of cooperation.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone


  1. what was the whole point of this picture? from david the great

  2. i like the code of cooperation.

  3. why do we call it hot dot how about imposibble dots, or judge dot

  4. to people who dont know how to make a account u have to lie about ur year birth... im just saying to people who dont KNOW how to CREATE a account

  5. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3years later...ot patriots win the dolphins

  6. 5th grade = easy 4th = normal 3rd = easy 2nd = easy 1st = easy kinder garden = hard

    DaViD tHe GrEaT

  7. WEll iii SAY THAT THE Code of Cooperation Is A Great Idea!

  8. using all my ideas now ok thats just nice

    cougers are a sad team...

  9. can people plz put there name on because u dont know whats ur name also because u want to know ur talking with

  10. guys i have created a new blog to find it on this blog type in David's Huskies or

  11. every one go to my blog like i said on top its gona be very fun im putting like 300 funny youtube videos this is not a joke this a real thing i did

  12. Hey guys!I LOVE the code of cooraperation!!!!It rocks!!

  13. my blog is

  14. how come on my blog u wrote spot but here u put place?

  15. mr hitchner i need help on the blog i made my own and how do i add people like u?

    i want to add jade,ronnie,david and other kids who have made 1!!!!1 mine is
