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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Welcome to the blog!

After many efforts to get this blog up and running, I have finally decided to write my first blog. Welcome to Hitchner's Hub! This is my first year at Horizon Elementary and and my third year in the Mukilteo School District. It's hard to believe we are already a month into the school year. The days are flying by but they've been loaded with a plethora of learning opportunities. Students are motivated, making important decisions, laughing, collaborating, reflecting, and taking risks. This class has demonstrated many positive qualities that I believe will lead to success.

I hope that this blog will allow the followers to see some of the exciting happenings in room D-120. Stay tuned for the next post.


  1. what school did u teach for? david the great

  2. I taught at Discovery and Challenger.

  3. are u gona put games on this website and clubs we can have online? like u can put games that can help in math or just games for fun david the great

  4. i couldnt make a account i did every think i could but it wont give me a account i even changed birth it didnt give me a account david the great

  5. this is my first time in the school and the mukilteo district too! and its not as hard in fifth grade than i thought it was going to be. but we still got a lot of work to do.

  6. why don't you put facebook on the followers thing i forgot what its called oh yah acount because i want to sign in

  7. u have facebook? wow ever since i said facebook last year every one like got one in 3 sec no kidding.... very bored gold fish

  8. mr. hitchner i will bet u that cougers are gona lose next game if i lose i will do 10 push ups if u lose same thing

  9. random fact about me

    my last name is the same last name of a proffeshienal hockey player his name is Ilya kovalchuk plays for new jersey devils

  10. David- The Cougars losing is something I would predict as well.

    Jade- Sorry, we can't connect Facebook on here. You're welcome to create your own profile on blogspot (ask your parents first).

  11. can u put something like parking lot on this website about this website so yeah that will be cool

  12. how come we cant put stuff on ur blog?

    check out my blog. New update

  13. David- In response to your question about posting comments, the settings have been changed so I have to review the comments being made before they are posted.

  14. mr.hitchner how do you get another blog

  15. mr hitchner i cant make one it wont let me. why. how do make 1 thsat fast

  16. Mr. hitchner i think we should not take that long to drink water

  17. I can show you how to start your blog tomorrow. Check with your parents first before you start one.

  18. well a new blog thing so people can have comments.

  19. i think u can only make one blog per day with out a phone number because i have made one every day so far

  20. um mr hitchner my blogger isnt the same like urs because it doesnt show site or something so i cant make a youtube video on... =(

  21. go to my blog to see awesome pictures that my older sister drew when she was 18 but now she is 19 you will be jealose of my sisters skill in art she didnt take art classes just come and look at my blog at

  22. mr hitchner u forgot to sing happt birthday to me on september 20th u fail just kidding im just saying u forgot so yeah i was the first birthday kid in the class of this year!!! well not really as exitited so yeah

  23. i think that it would only take us about 2 minutes to drink water!!!!!!

  24. mr hitchner i made 1, finally but how do i add u????

  25. hey mr hitchner i made a blog come see it and oh yea thanks i am thrilled!!!!!!

  26. go to my blog to see a new style of my blog aka Facebook Extreme!!!!!!

  27. mr hitchner i got a new picture of my self it was me when i was like 3 years old with swimming glasses back then i always smiled but now i barely smile i just laugh a lot but do u like my new picture i kinda feel embaresed as my front picture but yeah i just had to put it on

  28. go to my blog to see the coolest back round ever in ur life u will be amazed

  29. go to my blog called

  30. i added a lot of funny videos and cool and amazing and painful and music so come to my blog ps mr. hitchner can we all make a account during school so we can talk to each other online sometimes because on ur u dont need a account to type on ur blog but for us aka students cant do that on our blog
